
My name is Sarah.

It is my joy to accompany people on their journey to discover the truth of who they are, as they step into self-empowerment, well-being and a successful, heart-open life.

My work with individuals and groups combines a dynamic, intuitive interplay of wisdom traditions with the spontaneous wisdoms of the here and now.

In sessions and workshops, I draw from a lively bag of tricks - guidance and intuitive reading, energy work and Shamanic practices - to relieve fixed patterns, clear trauma and blockages, and support your connection to the field of pure potential. I provide a safe, dynamic space to support you to shift yearnings into realities and bring voice, form and forward momentum to a life that affirms you, along with the tools to see it through..

I have worked with people who were called to address issues around:

self-forgiveness, self-care, shame, grief and loss, relationship dynamics, leadership pressures, societal pressures, conflict resolution, blocked creativity, purpose, spirituality, diagnoses of all kinds, trauma of all kinds, life transitions, and a very wide variety of obstacles to health and well-being.

Every block, breakdown or apparent dead-end is an invitation from Spirit to step into the life you are here to live!

  • In 2006, I earned a Masters in Clinical Social Work from New York University, began a private psychotherapy practice and pursued analytic training at Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, in NYC. Selected additional training:

    In 2021, I completed a 300-hour certification program in Ayurveda to learn about the interplay of breath, wellness and joy.

    In 2020, I completed the Feminine Power Facilitation Mastery Program with Claire Zammit, deepening my expertise with therapeutic group processes.

    I am a Shamanic Reiki Master, having received my empowerment with Llyn Roberts in 2016. I received my empowerment as a Reiki Master in the Usui System in 2000.

    In 2014, I began working with Shamanic dream teacher Robert Moss to study Active Dreaming and its applications to individual and group therapy processes.

    I am a practitioner of Magical Awakening, a lively form of Celtic Shamanism shared by Brett Bevel.

    I certified in Akashic Records Reading with Lisa Barnett, founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom.

    Since 2012, I have facilitated Clown and Improvisation workshops based in Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach to psychotherapy, affirming the power of creativity and playfulness to transform and heal our lives..

    Simultaneous to pursuing my degree in Clinical Social Work and studying psychoanalysis, I became certified in multiple modalities of energy healing with Sirriya Din, who coached my energy work for many years, in Morphic Awakening and more.

    Most recently, I certified in The New Biology with Tom Cowan, again widening my perspective on holistic approaches to health and wellness.

    I also enjoy the art of tarot, using the cards to follow energy and co-create powerful change with the people I work with..