Sarah French


Joy, well-being and love are our birthright. So are success, health, abundance, peace and a purposeful life.

Spontaneous Wisdom is a process that heals, transforms and clears what stands between you and this precious knowledge.

When we clear limiting patterns from our fields - self-concepts, beliefs and blocks of any kind - we regain access to the field of pure potential. And when we are connected to the field of pure potential, the door stands open for us—we become empowered to live our brightest, most fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Now we move naturally beyond fixing and self-improvement to co-creating with the Universe. As Conscious Creators, self-worth flows back to us. Self-responsibility feels natural. Life blossoms into an exciting adventure as we make choices that affirm us, as our bodies heal and our hearts open, as our “outside” life re-patterns to match the expanded state we hold within.

As the founder of Spontaneous Wisdom, it is my joy to support you on this miraculous journey of sacred call and response with the Universe!!!