Sarah French

healer, mentor & playful guide

By walking the path of releasing what no longer serves you and welcoming what does, you may come to discover that your own best healer is… You!

Calling all Explorers!

Spontaneous Wisdom invites you to enter the mystery that we live in and explore our place in it. It is about encountering yourself in a whole new way, which sometimes requires turning conventional wisdom on its head.

Creativity is what it’s all about. It is a fallacy that any one of us is not creative. We are each busy with the most important creative adventure of all : living our lives!

As we work together, I invite you to join me in a dynamic play space, where exciting discoveries, fresh resources and brand new possibilities await. As I help you release what no longer serves you and embrace what does, I offer support to you to infuse your intention(s) with the creativity of who you are, allowing for transformation at the deepest levels.

Freedom is where we’re headed. Freed from stories that hold us back, our true selves take over. Now much is possible!!

What do You say?

Wise folk tell us that the call to the sacred journey that our secret heart longs for does not arise from expectations, or in any logical way. To take this journey within, traveling to new inner places - and meeting ourselves there - is likely the most precious journey of all. It is so absorbing and real, it can be no wonder that whenever we look again at the “outer” world, the landscape may look completely changed!

What if we don’t need to visit mountaintops or far-away lands to encounter our whole, heartfelt, delightfully liberated selves?

What kind of traveler are You? If your bags are packed with curiosity, openness and a pinch of willingness to show up and see what happens - in the here and now - read on!

Here are a few ways that we can work together:

private sessions

I help you let go of what no longer serves you and embrace what does, so that it is easier to hear your own wise voice as you navigate challenge and change. I see you as your own best healer, whole rather than broken, a conduit of answers, insights and wisdom ready to be expressed. I support you to re-connect to the part of you that remembers and knows, the part that is ready for next steps. Our work together is energetic and can be quick, which does not preclude lasting change. Sometimes we’ll need to think outside the box!

Private sessions are for those who wish to experience new levels of freedom and move their lives forward, Single sessions or packages.

the daily yes!

Imagine a wind at your back, increased focus and energized intention. The Yes’s are daily energy support designed to bring balance to body, mind and soul, and allow you to move forward with more self-empowerment and joy. This is for those who would like to deepen their self-care and self-discovery practices, inviting more awareness into their daily lives and anchoring meaningful change as they do.

It is likely that the Yes’s will seem quirky, or possibly perfect ~ you’ll resonate one way or another when you read more about them on this site. The Yes’s are a strong complement to deeper, ongoing work!


In this case, Clown may not be what you think it is. (It has little to do with entertainment and nothing to do with big shoes or throwing pies.) The archetype of Clown leads us into inquiry and discovery, revealing our playfulness as a powerful force in life. Workshops are not therapy, yet they offer a safe, enlivening space to celebrate ourselves and each other with curiosity, openness and wonder. We explore our shadow sides, as well as what delights us, drawing on listening and presence to lead us into authentic relationship with ourselves, each other and the world,

Workshops are for those who are open to learning and growing from what we do not know. They can be adapted for organizations of all kinds!

Note: Play sometimes leads to enhanced communication and rich discovery, unlocking creative flow and causing much joy!

oofa books & games

oofa books & games are the literary ripples of a personal and professional journey into Clown and the healing arts. Prompts, questions and considerations, they offer points of creative departure, moving discovery labs, party games and playgrounds for selves and communities. They are meant to be shared!

Titles include: Unsuit Yourself, Shapes in Space, Everything, The Dance of Pants & other Dances, It’s Good to Sing, The Book of Greetings, The Book of Parades, Silly Walks, Face Game, Party of Animals...

Your participation is needed!

See the GIFTS page to hear about Put On A Hat Made Of Light (1-99)!

Use the menu on this site to find out more.

Discovering freedom, playfulness and an open heart...

[In our sessions] Sarah introduced me to a brand new internal landscape, a true liberation! Her understated expertise in so many branches of healing from Shamanism to Ayurveda exquisitely synergizes into her magic way.
— AM, psychoanalyst
I thought this clowning business was all fanciful and play, but discovered very quickly that the clown has this vital role in our lives whether we realize it or not.
— JO, plumber and chiropractor
For me, [the Daily Yes!] was about holding space once a day in which to reaffirm one’s commitment to a greater purpose, to going deeper in one’s soul project and doing so in community.
— LG, writer and writing coach