Welcome to the Daily Yes!

daily energy support

“The first day I really felt it—but I also had a moment to sit and be conscious of receiving it. After that I felt a sort of positive glow around the time. After a few days it wasn’t so specific to the time, but more of a general sense of well-being. And if I did feel ragged for some reason, just remembering about the daily emanations was very helpful. It was a gentle but profound support.”

-AE, author

Ready to jump in?

It’s easy! Scroll down to sign up! Simply choose whether you would like to commit to one month, two months, or three months of The Daily Yes. Follow the prompts to check-out; Once you have made your purchase, you will be set to receive the Daily Yes beginning on the first day of the following month. For example, if you sign up on February 19th, you will begin receiving The Daily Yes on March 1st. The Daily Yes is given each day at 10:45am EST, for 15 minutes. You will receive the Daily Yes every day for one, two, or three months, depending on your selection.

The Daily Yes in a nutshell:

The purpose of the Daily Yes is to provide you with daily energy support. It is designed to bring harmony and ease to you throughout your day, helping to balance body, mind and soul and clear your path for fulfillment and joy. This is the energetic equivalent of a wind at your back, supporting your self-empowerment!


What the Daily Yes is:

The Daily Yes is like a shower, rinsing off energy that isn’t yours. What is left? You! The Daily Yes helps clear the decks for you to focus on yourself and your path. We are accustomed to cleaning our physical bodies and our homes. The Daily Yes “cleans” - or clears - our fields, or energy bodies. The result is more lightness, ease and freedom as you navigate daily life.

The Daily Yes is given every day at 10:45am EST, for 15 minutes. There is no Zoom meeting, conference call or gathering of any kind. Everyone who is signed up for the Daily Yes receives the support no matter what. If you are working or focused on other things at the time that the Daily Yes is given, think of the way that a dream stays with you through your day.

What the Daily Yes is not:

The Daily Yes is a complement, rather than a substitute for your own inner work. If you are interested in a session, or package of sessions, please visit the Sessions page on this site.

The choices You make ~ about how you tend to yourself as the adventure of your life unfolds ~ are primary. This is why the Daily Yes cannot be a substitute or “quick fix” for aligned living. Instead, it is meant to support your alignment! They support you to make the best choices you can as you go about loving yourself and your life, uncovering peace, harmony and joy as you go.

The benefits:

The Daily Yes has a positive cumulative effect. Daily support creates momentum and flow. Out of ease comes more ease! As you anchor in your Self, it becomes easier to make choices that affirm you and it feels natural to take a stand for yourself and to thrive.

The Daily Yes meets you where you are. If you are struggling with burnout, overwhelm, chronic stress or exhaustion, the Daily Yes can support you to turn this around. Life is good? The Daily Yes provides grounding that can take you further, as you approach meaningful change and expansion in any area of your life.

The Daily Yes can complement a daily practice that you have, or they can be used as their own practice.

You may also discover ways to enhance the benefit of the Daily Yes for you. Some people like to set an intention for the duration of the Daily Yes, for example to replace worry with focus, add to their self-care practices, empower themselves in a difficult relationship, and so on. You may also find that your intentions change or develop with time, which is natural.

Though it is not required, you are also welcome to “join in” at the time of the Daily Yes energy offering, whether through meditation, stillness or simply through your intention.

Scroll down to read Testimonials and find out more!

NEW for businesses/organizations/groups:

Hoping for creative solutions? Contact Sarah directly at hello@spontaneouswisdom.net to gift the Daily Yes to your group.


  • After you sign up, nothing is required of you. This said, it always helps to be receptive and notice what you notice. Some people like to set an intention for the duration of the Daily Yes, for example to replace worry with focus, add to their self-care practices, empower themselves in a difficult relationship, and so on. You may also find that your intentions change or develop with time, which is natural.

    If you wish to “join in” at the time of the Daily Yes energy offering, whether through meditation, stillness or as inspired, you are welcome to do so. If you are working or focused on other things at that time, think of the way that a dream stays with you through your day.  

    “It is so nice to be thought of, and to connect in a quiet and gentle way - in a way that is not about doing more, being somewhere, or doing something.” -from a participant

  • Here are some things that participants have shared: 

    “I did less comfortable things with less resistance.”

    “I know I was less reactive to dynamics in my relationship that I typically react to.”

    “I chose to fill my day with a greater reverence… engaging consciously, intentionally in the day to day and in so doing re-engaging with my integrity.”

    “Big changes and decisions were happening and they happened easefully, naturally, almost without difficulty, which is surprising given the complexity and stakes. It was like a gentle but steady lift over a big hump.” 

    “I was able for the first time in recent memory to conceive of some intentions for what I might like (and work towards) for the future and to commit to holding those images as a vision for where I am headed.”

  • The fee for the Daily Yes is as following:

    one month : $179

    two months : $298

    three months : $399

  • Please do! 

    Your impressions of the Daily Yes’s are always welcome.

    You may contact me directly through email.

  • Signing up is easy!

    Simply decide whether you would like to sign up for one month, two months, or three months of The Daily Yes. Add this selection to your cart and proceed to check-out. Once payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email and begin receiving the Daily Yes beginning on the first day of the following month.

    Thank you!

Sign up for the Daily Yes!

Daily Yes - One Month
Daily Yes! - Two Months Daily Yes! - Two Months
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Daily Yes! - Two Months
Daily Yes! - Three Months

What you are saying:

"I love that the Daily Yes’s can be going on in the background while I am engaged in other matters and/or I can stop to be still to receive the support." -LG, writing coach

“It is so nice to be thought of, and to connect in a quiet and gentle way - in a way that is not about doing more, being somewhere, or doing something.” -AF, mechanical engineer and design consultant

"For me, this was about holding space once a day in which to reaffirm one’s commitment to a greater purpose, to going deeper in one’s soul project and doing so in community." -AG, writer

“I know I was less reactive to dynamics in my relationship that I typically react to.” -EY, psychotherapist

"I found the energy subtle, gentle, reassuring, supportive, generous, loving, unconditional..." LG, writing coach

“I did less comfortable things with less resistance.” -MN, actor and life coach

“Big changes and decisions were happening and they happened easefully, naturally, almost without difficulty, which is surprising given the complexity and stakes. It was like a gentle but steady lift over a big hump.” -EC, professor

“THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ll be signing up for this again!” -PT, artist